Social 3.0
Social 3.0 Podcast
The Power of Personality-Led Growth with Sarah Breathnach [SOCIAL 3.0 Podcast S1. Ep5.]

The Power of Personality-Led Growth with Sarah Breathnach [SOCIAL 3.0 Podcast S1. Ep5.]

“SEO is dead, it’s all about social now…”

Of course, this statement is nonsense, but as marketers, we’re often afflicted with “shiny new thing syndrome”- trying to chase that breakthrough channel that will hockey stick our growth.

Experienced marketers know that there’s more nuance than “one or the other” so, as a Senior Director of Demand Gen and a passionate advocate for brand building (two facets that are often at odds with each other), I just had to have Sarah Breathnach on the podcast.

Sarah has been focused on demand gen for her whole career and as such, her takes on realistic target-setting and what it takes to drive demand for fast-growing start-ups provided some unique insights and perspectives in B2B marketing.

Top 5 Takeaways:

  1. Challenge the Status Quo: Sarah emphasises the importance of questioning traditional marketing methods and challenging assumptions. She encourages marketers to assess whether their approach is truly effective and to be open to new ideas and strategies.

  2. Content quality over Quantity: Instead of focusing on volume and vanity metrics, Sarah advocates for prioritising quality stories and quality in-person engagements with potential customers. She believes that this approach will lead to more meaningful connections and better results.

  3. Embrace Personality-Led Growth: Sarah highlights the power of personality-led growth, where business leaders and subject matter experts share their thoughts and expertise on social media. This approach helps build trust, establish authority, and create a loyal following.

  4. Educate the Entire Organisation: Marketing should not be siloed within the marketing team. Sarah stresses the importance of educating CEOs, co-founders, product leaders, and other key stakeholders about effective marketing strategies and the value they bring to the business

  5. Consistency is Key: While social media success may take time, consistency is crucial. Sarah emphasises the need to consistently create and share valuable content, even if the initial results are not immediate. Consistency builds trust and establishes a strong brand presence over time. A point I love coming from someone who’s equally focused on short-term revenue impact.

Sarah offers a refreshing perspective on modern marketing, challenging traditional methods and advocating for a more authentic and personalised approach. Her balanced approach to marketing, blending data-driven strategies with personality-led growth, provides a blueprint for success that we can all learn from.

If you're a marketer, business leader, or simply someone interested in the future of marketing, this podcast episode is a must-listen.

Andy ❤️

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Social 3.0
Social 3.0 Podcast
The Social 3.0 podcast is dedicated to helping forward-thinking B2Bs to power growth through content, social media and online communities.
Our guests will go deep into the strategies and tactics they are using to cut through the noise and stand out online.